Cisco Catalyst3850交换机RTU license使用方法

news/2024/7/24 12:47:26 标签: cisco 3850, cisco 3850 RTU, RTU license

1 情况说明

查询原因为当前license不支持 (lanbase, 只能支持2层功能)

Access-3850-1(config)#router ospf 100
Protocol not in this image

2 如何处理?

开启RTU license,加载ip service类型的license
开启RTU License后正常。如下图:

Access-3850-1(config)#router ospf 100

3 扫盲: 啥是RTU license What is RTU License ?

A Right to Use license scheme is an honor-based model for licensing. Licenses are not tied to an unique device identifier (UDI), product ID, or serial number.
看到上面所说的了吗? honor-based model ,说人话就是你应该购买license,但你可以直接使用。不买就用的就是臭不要脸。


  1. 购买了license后,登录cisco.com官网
  2. 输入license信封上的key,并输入交换机的SN进行绑定,—>生成license文件—>下载下来
  3. 通过install license命令进行安装


4 具体操作方法

4.1 无法运行OSPF, 报错

Access-3850-1(config)#router ospf 100
Protocol not in this image

4.2 查看license

Access-3850-1#show license right-to-use usage 
 Slot#  License Name     Type     usage-duration(y:m:d)  In-Use  EULA
 1      ipservices     permanent    0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipservices     evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         permanent    0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      lanbase        permanent    0 :0 :0                yes   yes  //这就是当前的license 类型
 1      apcount        evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        base         0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        adder        0 :0 :0                no    no

4.3 启用ipservices license

3850-1#license right-to-use activate ipservices all  acceptEULA 
% switch-1:stack-mgr:Reboot the switch to invoke the highest activated License level

4.4 Reload 重启交换机

Reload command is being issued on Active unit, this will reload the whole stack
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

3.5 重启完成,查看license

3850-1#show license right-to-use usage 
 Slot#  License Name     Type     usage-duration(y:m:d)  In-Use  EULA

 1      ipservices     permanent    0 :0 :0                yes   yes    //加载了ip service
 1      ipservices     evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         permanent    0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      lanbase        permanent    0 :0 :0                no    yes  
 1      apcount        evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        base         0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        adder        0 :0 :0                no    no   

3.6 再次启用ospf进程

3850-1(config)#router os 100
IP routing not enabled

报了个错,但这个和license无关,是因为没有开ip routing

***开启ip routing***

3850-1(config)#ip routing
3850-1(config)#router ospf 100
3850-1(config-router)#router ospf 100


3850-1#license right-to-use activate ?
  apcount     configure the AP-count licenses on the switch
  ipbase      activate ipbase license on the switch
  ipservices  activate Ipservices license on the switch
  lanbase     activate lanbase license on the switch

3850-1#license right-to-use activate ipservices all  acceptEULA 
% switch-1:stack-mgr:Reboot the switch to invoke the highest activated License level

3850-1#show license right-to-use usage 
 Slot#  License Name     Type     usage-duration(y:m:d)  In-Use  EULA
 1      ipservices     permanent    0 :0 :0                no    yes  
 1      ipservices     evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         permanent    0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      ipbase         evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      lanbase        permanent    0 :0 :0                yes   yes  
 1      apcount        evaluation   0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        base         0 :0 :0                no    no   
 1      apcount        adder        0 :0 :0                no    no  


3850-1#license right-to-use activate ipservices all 
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS CAREFULLY. INSTALLING THE LICENSE OR LICENSE KEY PROVIDED FOR ANY CISCO PRODUCT FEATURE OR USING SUCH PRODUCT FEATURE CONSTITUTES YOUR FULL ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS. YOU MUST NOT PROCEED FURTHER IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN. Use of this product feature requires an additional license from Cisco, together with an additional payment.  You may use this product feature subject to the Cisco end user license agreement, together with any supplements relating to such product feature.   It is your responsibility to make payment to Cisco for your use of the product feature if not already licensed to do so. Your acceptance of this agreement for the software features on one product shall be deemed your acceptance with respect to all such software on all Cisco products you purchase which includes the same software.  (The foregoing notwithstanding, you must purchase a license for each software feature you use, so that if you enable a software feature on 1000 devices, you must purchase 1000 licenses for use.)    This license may be transferrable from another Cisco device of the same model for the same functionality if such license already is owned.  Activation of the software command line interface will be evidence of your acceptance of this agreement. By clicking  the "accept" button  or typing "yes" you are  indicating  you have read and agree to be bound by all the terms provided herein.ACCEPT (yes/no) : yes
% switch-1:stack-mgr:Reboot the switch to invoke the highest activated License level


System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: y
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3001 bytes to 1475 bytes[OK]Reload command is being issued on Active unit, this will reload the whole stack
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

3850-1#show license right-to-use  default 
 Slot#    License Name    Type      Count 
 1        lanbase        permanent     N/A 
 1        apcount        base          0   

3850-1#show license right-to-use  de      
3850-1#show license right-to-use  deta
3850-1#show license right-to-use  detail 
Index 1:  License Name: ipservices
           Period left: Lifetime
           License Type: permanent
           License State: Active, In use
           License Count: Non-Counted
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 2:  License Name: ipservices
           Period left: 90
           License Type: evaluation
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: Non-Counted
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 3:  License Name: ipbase
           Period left: Lifetime
           License Type: permanent
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: Non-Counted
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 4:  License Name: ipbase
           Period left: 90
           License Type: evaluation
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: Non-Counted
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 5:  License Name: lanbase
           Period left: Lifetime
           License Type: permanent
           License State: Active, Not In use
           License Count: Non-Counted
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 6:  License Name: apcount
           Period left: 90
           License Type: evaluation
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: 50
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 7:  License Name: apcount
           Period left: Lifetime
           License Type: base
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: 0
           License Location: Slot 1
Index 8:  License Name: apcount
           Period left: Lifetime
           License Type: adder
           License State: Not Activated
           License Count: 0
           License Location: Slot 1

3850-1#show license right-to-use  summary 
  License Name    Type     Count   Period left
  ipservices   permanent   N/A      Lifetime
  apcount      base        0        Lifetime
  apcount      adder       0        Lifetime


License Level In Use: ipservices
License Level on Reboot: ipservices
Evaluation AP-Count: Disabled
Total AP Count Licenses: 0
AP Count Licenses In-use: 0
AP Count Licenses Remaining: 0


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