[概念] 质量管理标准和理论 - ISO/Deming/Juran/TQM

news/2024/7/23 11:46:51
PMBOK (2004 3rd 英) P180提到了诸多质量管理理论,但是没有解释各个理论。补充如下



ISO9000 was developed as a standard for business quality systems. To be certified, businesses needed to document their quality system and insure adherence to it with reviews and audits. A key element was the identification of non-conformances and a Corrective Action System to prevent reoccurences. Specific quality improvement methodologies were not prescribed.

The automotive industry adopted the QS9000 standard for their suppliers to require the use of specific practices in quality planning and in production operations.

  • Advanced Product Quality Plans
  • Design / Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Production Part Approval Process
  • Control Plans (for production)
  • Measurement Systems Analysis

  Deming PDCA

The Deming / Shewhart Cycle was especially useful in solving these quality problems. The PDCA Circle denotes continuous improvement by repeating the basic cycle of

    * Deming PDCA Plan
          o Get the data
          o Analyze the problem
          o Plan the solution
    * "Do" It
    * Check -- Measure the change
    * Act -- Modify as needed

as long as significant improvements are obtained.

Carnegie Plan Since 1948, engineers at Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon University) have been trained to apply the Carnegie problem solving methodology in design. This methodology parallels the Deming PDCA cycle with the addition of an initial step to "Define the Problem."

In the last 20 years, many companies have adopted similar problem-solving models -- often with 8-10 steps or more. Special attention is given to solving process problems -- problems that occur repetitively. Process improvement models add such steps as assigning process owners, forming teams, and establishing process measures.


Juran focused on quality control with the "trilogy"

    * quality planning
    * quality control
    * quality improvement.

Juran An SPC representation of the trilogy is used in the figure at the right. A spec is developed -- usually with a ± tolerance. A control chart is used to get the process under control. As special causes are removed to improve the process , variation is reduced. These are the basic steps in Six Sigma process improvement.

When the total quality management movement (TQM) gained prominence in the 1980's, the product planning step was expanded to include a broader evaluation of customer needs (similar to VA and QFD ).


Total Quality Management (TQM) emphasized using multi-functional teams (professional staff and workers from all departments involved) to solve problems. The teams were trained to use basic statistical tools to collect and analyze data.

            * Check sheets
            * Pareto diagrams
            * Histograms
            * Run charts
            * Flow charts
            * Cause and effect diagrams
            * Force field analysis
            * Scatter diagrams



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